VIVALDI (Prevenzione e attenuazione delle malattie dei bivalvi da allevamento) è un progetto scientifico europeo, finanziato nell'ambito del programma europeo di ricerca e sviluppo denominato Horizon 2020. È attuato da un consorzio di 21 partner di 10 paesi. Durerà 4 anni, fino al febbraio 2020.
7 specie sono studiate in VIVALDI: ostrica concava e comune, Mitilo mediterraneo e comune, Vongola, Cuori eduli e Cappasanta.
Early detection of pathogens affecting shellfish, strengthening the immune defences of oysters, identifying individuals which that are more resistant to certain diseases and environmental factors with an impact on mortality episodes, etc… The European research project Vivaldi is coming to a close, with numerous scientific results and recommendations for better management of shellfish diseases.
Here are a few media clippings showing what can be read in the press about the VIVALDI project and underlining the expectations of the producers, the consumers and the decision-makers when it comes to ensuring the sustainability of the shellfish industry.
Here you can find the different posters edited to introduce the VIVALDI project and its outcomes.